Episode # 25 TOfM Explained
Have you ever asked yourself the question ‘what exactly is Orofacial Myology’ or ‘what does an Orofacial Myologist do? Orofacial Myologists are registered allied health practitioners who already hold extensive knowledge and familiarity with the head and neck and who have undertaken further (and ongoing) study to combine their pre-existing knowledge and experience to offer functional assistance for clients.
In this episode, I explain how orofacial myofunctional therapy can be an important adjunct to traditional health services and the approach that Townsvile Orofacial Myology takes to help clients obtain and maintain improved health outcomes.
Clients often seek ‘OM’ to prepare for oral or airway surgery, for rehabilitation afterwards or to help address incorrect habits or poor function. There is no typical client and each case is individually assessed.
TOfM is Townsville’s only independent clinic and as such, clients are able to seek help and advice while continuing to work with their existing health care providers incorporating orofacial myofunctional therapy without bias. In this same way, regional or remote clients where ‘face to face’ visits may not be practical, telehealth services available.
Further information can be found and contact details are available at www.townsvilleofm.com.au